金. 3月 7th, 2025

















~Let’s Talk Gender~

Hey guys!

 It’s Sinead Diarcy.

And You’re listening to “Girls Let’s Talk.”

In a spirit of pride today, we are gonna be talking about Gender, Gender identity, Gender expression,

Sex and sexuality and the differences between them.

Whatever your friend came out to you recently.

you’re curious about the LGBT+ community or even if you’re against the community.

this is for you.

First of all, lets talk about the difference between sex and gender.

Many believe that sex and gender are the same thing but that’s actually far from the truth.

Sex is what you assigned at birth.

This is based off your genitals and chromosomes.

Once the sex is assigned, we then assume the gender,

but some don’t identify with the gender related ideas associated with their assigned sex.

Gender has three parts body, identity, and expression.

Gender is a social and legal status that comes with an expectation from society on how you should look and act.

Gender roles. how we are expected to act based on our sex.

Females are expected to be feminine, nurturing, Homemaker, thin, we’re long hair, dresses and make up.

Well, men are expected to be masculine, strong, the breadwinner, muscular, wear short hair and suits.

These are all gender stereotypes.

Gender identity is how you feel inside.

Some people feel when they are born that they assigned sex matches their assume gender.

But others do not.

some people identify with both genders.

Or neither.

Let’s talk about gender expression.

This is how you express your gender through your style, makeup or behavior.

Here is where some people get confused.

It’s important to remember that no matter how someone expresses their gender whether they appear to be masculine feminine or somewhere in between.

you can never assume someone’s gender identity based on their parents or gender expression.

since everyone is different.

They are so many different genders and ways of expressing it.

Now that we know about the differences between sex and gender, gender identity and gender expression.

What about sexuality?

Sexuality is determined by who you are attracted to and is separate from sex gender, gender identity and gender expression.

Here is a review, if this is all very new to you or you’re still confused,

here are some examples.

A person can be assigned male at birth identify as female express their gender by wearing make up and the attractive females.

Or a parson can be assigned female at birth identify as female express their gender by dressing masculine with short hair and be attracted to males.

A person can be assigned male at birth identify as male express their gender by dressing masculine and be attracted to males.

Or a person could be assigned female at birth identify as male express their gender by dressing feminine and attracted to both males and females.

I could go on and on, but I think you get the picture.

Sex, gender, gender identify, gender expression and sexuality are all different and separate from one another.

and none can be assumed based on the other.

If you’re listening and still thinking, I don’t get it.

Let’s say you like pop music.

Do you assume that everyone who listens to pop music is the same as you?

No, there are so many different kinds of people that like it.

You may have a picture of a stereotype in your head right now.

Maybe a 12-years-old blonde, white girl something like that that is the gender of stereotypes.

we think that a female looks and acts like this.

Male looks and acts like that or a lesbian or a gay guy act like this.

It just isn’t true that brings us the topic of misgendering which is calling someone the wrong gender.

This can be avoided by asking simply what pronouns do you prefer?

even if you’re not in the LGBT+ community?

I’m sure you know how it feels to be stereotyped and there maybe something about you that don’t fit your gender stereotype.

Gender is a box.

But no one fits into a box.

Everyone is unique and their personality their identify and how they express themselves.

Why is this important to talk about?

So, people feel free to express themselves and be who they are.

not be put into a box or shrink themselves to make others feel comfortable.

how do we end these stereotypes?

By what we are doing right now.

Talking about it, and not being afraid to call it out when you see it.

Be an example for your friends and family.

Show others that they can be free to express themselves.

However, they want don’t just give them advice. Take it for yourself.

try something new that you’ve ever done that goes against your gender roles others will lean from your example and if you’ve been struggling with your gender identity.

And you’re scared to express yourself just know that you’re not alone.

talk to a friend or counselor.

So that you can build the confidence you need to be who you really are.

If you’re in a LGBT+ community or you think you might be and you need someone to talk to.

Call their national helpline at 1-888-843-4564

That’s all for today guys.

thanks for coming over but before you go.

Remember you are enough.

See you next time.

  • in a spriit of ~の精神で
  • came out to someone 誰かにカミングアウトする
  • against 逆らう
  • assingned at birth 出生時の割り当て
  • based off ~に基づいて
  • genetals 性器、生殖器
  • chromosome クロモソーム、染色体
  • assume 決めつける
  • identify 分類する
  • gender-related ジェンダー関連の
  • associated 属する、関連する
  • roles こうあるべき(ロールモデル)、役割
  • Homemaker 主婦
  • breadwinner 大黒柱
  • masculine 男性的な
  • whether A or B AだろうとBだろうと
  • determined by ~によって決められる
  • get the picture 理解する、把握する
  • pronaun 代名詞(性自認、性表現の名詞)
  • sturgging もがく
  • shrink 縮こまる


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