月. 12月 23rd, 2024

















∼Let’s talk about consent~

Hey guys!
it’s Sinead Diarcy

And you are listening to” Girls Let’s Talk”
So, today we’re gonna be talking about “CONSENT”

Most people think they understand the concept and see it as black and white.

But today we’re gonna talk about the gray.

I have another special guest with me today, Curly Foster.

A writer and one of my closest friends.

Curly, what were you taught that contentment?

Sadly, I was taught about consent pretty late in life.

It was my sophomore year of high school in a health class.

And it was a mixed class, It had boys and girls like, I remember it was my sophomore year and I think there was some Junior’s in class.

I started school pretty young. So, it was just an awkward time for me.

Anyway, the teacher said the definition of consent.

I believe was just like giving YES or NO to someone asked me permission for an intimate act or sexual act.

And YES or NO could mean nonverbal cues which is pretty confusing, and a lot of the boys started to joking about how it was a girl giving a thumbs up for sex.

Which isn’t what teacher meant at all.

I’m looking around the classroom and just seeing boys not take it seriously with pretty awful even looking around the room looking at girls faces, they like tried to laugh about it.

But you could see some tension in there. You know?

Yeah, of course! How did it that make you feel?

I was really uncomfortable.

And just seeing boys not take it seriously changed everything for me.

I was young and I knew I wasn’t ready for intimacy.

But I felt like I could never say No, cuz I don’t think they’re gonna even listen if I did.

And of course, It’s not like that.

I never kissed anyone before.

Before this class, I was in Middle school.

We all were one felt that pressure playing truth or dares in the bottle.

But I know it just felt like something.

I was supposed to do but now knowing that guys weren’t going to take it seriously any way, I just felt like, I had to keep my mouth shut the whole time and that made my life really hard to use following that.

Yeah, you know a huge reason why I think we have to understanding what we do of what consent means is from movies and television.

You know you think about a movies you saw where most likely a man was trying to force themselves on to a woman without her consent rape.

It’s pretty black and white usually, the rapist is someone the survivor doesn’t know and violently attack them, as they’re walking through a dark alleyway.

But here it’s the gray, sexual assault doesn’t always happen the way.

Sexual assault doesn’t always happen the way.

Doesn’t always happen in a dark alley, you can happen anywhere at any time and it’s not always someone you don’t know.

Actually, according to the National Sexual Violence Resource Center an 8 out of 10 cases of rape survivor knew their attacker.

So, that means sometimes it’s friends, Significant otherers even your spouse.

Yes, even when you’re married you still need to ask for consent.

Just because use a person gave you consent and you had sex once or twice or any other sexual activity many times doesn’t mean that they have given you consent right now.

Or that they give you consent to having one sexual activity, it doesn’t mean that they give you consent to having different sexual activity or even the same one in the future.

Here is an example, if I lost you.

If you asked me if you could kiss me, and I said YES that’s what I consented to a kiss nothing else and just because I can consented to kissing you today.

Doesn’t mean I also give you consent to kiss me tomorrow.

Basically, consent is not something you can ever assume.

Even if someone is smiling at you dressed a certain way or acting certain way that’s not consent to make it clear for anyone that still confused and any event that consent is not mutual there has been a sexual assault and I’m not just talking to men.

Everyone is mutual every single sexual situation.

According to The National Sexual Violence Resource Center in the US.

One in three women experienced some formal of sexual violence in their lifetime instead of one in six men.

But let’s talk about women of color.

Black women experienced sexual violence at much higher rates according to the institute for women’s policy research more than 20% of black women are raped during their lifetimes more than four for ten black women experienced physical violence from an intimate partner during their lifetimes and black women also experienced significantly higher rates of psychological abuse including humiliation, insult, name calling and coercive control.

The women overall which also not forget the LB community.

according to Human Rights Campaign, 44% of lesbians and 61% of bisexual women experienced rape physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner.

26% of gay men and 37% of bisexual men experience rape physical violence or stalking by an intimate partner.

At 64% of trans people experienced sexual assault in their lifetime and among transpeople of color, American Indian 65%, multiracial 59%, Middle Eastern 58% and Black 53%.

Okay, now some of you may be thinking okay but what if we fooled around but we dint have sex.

Yes, again consent needs to be mutual in every single sexual situation and consent shouldn’t be just enforced when it comes to intimacy but whenever you’re being physical with anyone.

for example.

Maybe you’re on a date and it’s going really well.

So, when you’re walking you place your hand n your dates lower back and tell them how great they look.

This may seem like an innocent and even sweet gesture to you.

But you have no idea how the person feels about it.

They may have a smile on their face or even blush.

but that could actually be a sigh of discomfort.

Again, consent is not something you can ever assume

and consents also needs to be given voluntarily

a person cant give you consent, if they are feeling pressured threatened or coerced into giving it.

There’s also the question.

What if I already consented but I wanted them to stop halfway through.

You have the right even during intimacy to say no or change your mind at any moment.

at this point you may be realizing that you have experienced sexual assault

are you having doubts

because you didn’t say no

or maybe you are attacked but you feel ashamed that you didn’t fight back.

Listen, if there is no verbal yes, there is no consent.

It doesn’t mean if you didn’t say no because you didn’t say yes and again if you said yes, you have the right to change your mind at any moment even during intimacy.

A person’s silence in never consent.

and even if a person doesn’t try to physically make you stop, just still not consent

were you drunk when it happened you feel like it was your fault.

If you are under the influence of alcohol or any drugs that makes you incapable of giving consent

many people use alcohol and drugs as a way to attack and many times use it as an excuse for their actions

and why is so important to talk about?

Well, it’s important because there are millions of sexual assault survivors out there and they’ve been told their story isn’t valid that at least it wasn’t right or felt ashamed because they were drinking when it happened or out late when it happened, or it was their boyfriend but there stories are valid.

Your stories are valid.

I believe you.

And if you need someone to talk to please call the National sexual assault hotline at 800 656 hope.

That’s 800 656 4673 and it’s completely confidential.

Sexual assault is never the survivor’s fault.

Let me say the again.

Sexual assault is never the survivor’s fault.

Support survivors believe survivors.

Well, that’s all for today guys.

Thank you, Curly, for coming over.

But ladies before you go remember you are enough.

See you next time.

  • consent 同意
  • see it as black and white 物事に白黒つける
  • sohomore yesr 2学年生
  • fefinition of ~の定義
  • intimate 肉体や恋愛関係の仲
  • intimacy スキンシップ
  • nonverbal 言葉にできない
  • cuse 原因
  • tention 不安、緊張感
  • allyway 路地
  • spouse 配偶者
  • mutual 双方に
  • psychological abuse 心理的虐待
  • humiliation 恥をかかす 自尊心を傷つける
  • insult 侮辱する 馬鹿にする
  • namecalling 悪口
  • coercive control 支配的な束縛
  • enforeced 強要される
  • innocent あどけない 悪気のない
  • blush (顔を)赤らめる
  • assume 憶測
  • threatened 脅迫される
  • coerced 強制
  • assault 暴行
  • incapable of ~することができない
  • valid 有効
  • completely confidental 完全に内密に





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